Asbestosis information day at Aberavon Community Centre for surviving and deceased Port Talbot workers

Pattinson & Brewer, solicitors, hosted a free asbestos information day and clinic for local families at Aberavon Community Centre on Wednesday 22 May 2013.

Leading industrial disease expert, Caroline Phelan carried out one to one conversations with local people about health issues relating to work and environmental exposure to hazards caused by the use of asbestos as a building and insulation material over the past 60 years.

Many local people turned up during the day, some who had experienced shortness of breath or a persistent cough and others with family members who had died from a suspected asbestos-related disease.

Caroline said:

People go to work to support their families and if they end up having an accident or becoming ill I want to be there to help them. More than 3000 people are dying every year from asbestos related illness and it was a good opportunity to talk to individuals and families who have been directly affected by serious occupational diseases. We expect to be bringing a number of cases forward to the courts for consideration, to ensure that anyone affected receives the damages they are entitled to for having their health and life severely affected through no fault of their own.”

Pattinson & Brewer have a Bristol-based office which covers the whole of the South Wales region and one of their major concerns is that people tend to keep quiet about health issues when they may have a clear entitlement to some financial help.

Health correspondents can contact Caroline direct for more statistical information relating to the history of asbestos-related occupational diseases in the South Wales coal fields and steel industry. Radio broadcasters may wish to interview Caroline about the results of the event and how local people might have been affected.



 In the Queen’s speech on the 9th.May  the government stated their intention to draft a new Mesothelioma Bill to speed up compensation to sufferers.

In January of this year MEP Stephen Hughes produced a report on how asbestos was still continuing to claim victims across the EU and the UK and his recommendations have now been formally adopted by the EU.


Marcus Weatherby, News Releases,
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