Binder Bansel calls for better police pay

Leading industrial relations lawyer and advisor to the Police Federation of England and Wales, Binder Bansel, has criticised the Government for their lack of flexibility on the 1% cap on public sector pay increases.

Bansel, who is a partner at the leading industrial firm Pattinson & Brewer, said:

“The Federation has highlighted that there has been a real-terms cut in police pay of 15% over the last four years once reductions in allowances have been taken into account. They are now arguing for a very modest increase of 2.8% which would still see those who protect us everyday having suffered a significant reduction in their pay. This comes on top of a substantial cut to the number of officers and staff – we are seeing the thin blue line getting thinner and thinner. It will be interesting to hear what the Home Secretary has to say today when she addresses Conference.”

Steve White, the chair of the Police Federation of England and Wales, said a failure to show any flexibility on the 1% cap on public sector pay increases would mean the Federation could withdraw from the discussions and “think about dealing with things in a different way”.

Commenting as the Police Federation Conference gets underway, Mr White said:

“They can’t just say the Government only want to give us 1%. In that case we might as well withdraw from the pay review process in its entirety, because we’ll have no faith in it.
“There will undoubtedly be, as there quite often are, people in the Police Federation who will be saying that we’ve got to start lobbying for industrial rights.
“We’re not there yet – we can’t strike, we’re not allowed to – but we will have to start potentially withdrawing from the process and think about dealing with things in a different way, to show the government of the day the strength of feeling amongst the police service.”

Binder Bansel, Marcus Weatherby,
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