Fight for justice!

IMG-20140703-00107Unite’s policy conference, in Liverpool, supporting fight for justice for The Shrewsbury 24.

Fighting for justice is something that I have been involved with a great deal over the years. I believe when things are wrong we must speak out.  It was, therefore, a great pleasure to meet campaigner Ricky Tomlinson  at Unite’s policy conference in Liverpool, this week.

During the conference and, in my role as Chair of the Joint Union Asbestos Committee, I have had to speak out again this week following the publication of an HSE report which confirms serious failings in the management of asbestos in schools.

The HSE inspected 153 schools outside local authority (LA) control in England, Scotland and Wales, including foundation, voluntary aided, independent, academy and free schools and has reported that a significant number of schools are not operating good systems of asbestos management.

It is of grave concern for me and the other members of JUAC that these failings still continue. Our children, teachers and others working in schools must be protected. I’ll keep fighting for justice – please support our Asbestos in Schools campaign.

Julie Winn,  Head of Asbestos Unit




Julie Winn, Marcus Weatherby, Uncategorized,
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