Letter to The Times: The NHS should be getting it right, first time

The following letter was written by Linda Levison and Rosamund Rhodes-Kemp in response to an article in The Times newspaper (12.1.12) Rise in negligence claims to cost hospitals millions“… 


“The NHS should be getting it right, first time”

That’s the cry the Government should be focused on, and the one being called for by DOH, in your article ‘Rise in negligence claims to cost hospitals millions‘.

Day after day we are approached by families whose loved ones have died or been severely injured as a consequence of appalling negligence and slap-dash procedures within our hospitals. Places we all turn to when we are at our most vulnerable and in need of care.

If we don’t work to continue to expose the negligence, by supporting individuals who seek answers and justice, we believe the level of care will undoubtedly continue to spiral downwards.

Our plea to Government: focus on resourcing the trusts properly, provide vital increased training for our doctors and nurses and reduce bureaucracy!

The NHS is still getting it wrong on too many occasions.

Linda Levison
Rosamund Rhodes-Kemp
Pattinson & Brewer Solicitors, London

Linda Levison, Marcus Weatherby, Medical Negligence, News Releases, Rosamund Rhodes-Kemp,
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