The so-called ‘Justice Bill’ currently going through Parliament will cause massive problems for claimants in two major areas. By stopping conditional fee agreements (‘no win, no fee’) and recoverability of ATE (after the event) legal expense insurance in personal injury cases. And by removing legal aid in clinical neligence cases. (more…)
The so-called ‘Justice Bill’ currently going through Parliament will cause massive problems for claimants in two major areas. By stopping conditional fee agreements (‘no win, no fee’) and recoverability of ATE (after the event) legal expense insurance in personal injury cases. And by removing legal aid in clinical neligence cases. (more…)
The Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Bill – scarily referred to as the ‘Justice Bill’ – is currently being pushed through Parliament at an unprecedented rate. And it will fundamentally affect the ability of people injured through no fault of their own to claim recompense through the courts. (more…)