The conference is new partner Rosamund Rhodes-Kemp’s brainchild. And she’s delighted that P&B and her former employers, east of England firm Ashton KCJ (formerly Kester Cunningham John), have agreed to work together to support its success.  (more…)

Pattinson & Brewer’s Clinical Negligence department is praised in Chambers Directory by legal professionals and clients alike who ‘appreciate the practice for its clear, responsive advice and skilful handling of serious claims.‘   (more…)

One of the UK’s best-regarded clinical negligence lawyers – Rosamund Rhodes-Kemp – joined our clinical negligence team on Monday, 3rd October. (more…)

It could be argued that media ridicule of Health & Safety actually risks making our lives more dangerous. Back in March, Marcus Weatherby took a look at our early steps towards reform…
