Police Federation

Pattinson & Brewer has acted for the Police Federation of England &Wales and its members for over 20 years. We understand the unique nature of the Police Federation, its roles, responsibilities and the vital role it plays promoting and protecting its members’ interests.

Our experts advise the Police Federation and represent Police Officers on a wide variety legal matters. These include

Personal Injury matters such as fatal accidents, RTAs, workplace injuries and training accidents

All aspects of employment law, including discrimination, whistleblowing, health and safety issues and pay

Medical negligence


Discipline & criminal issues

Family Law with particular expertise in pensions and financial arrangments

If you need legal advice and representation look no further than the Police Federation specialists at Pattinson & Brewer. If you have any quries please call us now on 0800 069 9060 or contact us by email at [email protected]. We look forward to being of service to you.

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