Why this year’s Race for Life is so special for me

On July 7 this year, I’m taking part in Race For Life. A lot of people have heard of Race For Life but, in case you haven’t, it’s a 5km sponsored fun run – exclusively for women – in aid of Cancer Research. 

abbigail_stellI’ve taken part in Race For Life for the past seven years – ever since my dad was diagnosed with lymphoma, a type of cancer. Finding that out about someone that you love and care for is heart-wrenching and makes you feel helpless but, by doing Race For Life, I felt like I was at least helping in some small way.

My dad’s cancer went into remission, but then came back. This cycle lasted a few years until 2012 when he passed away as a result of the lymphoma.

So this year I’ll be doing Race For Life in his memory for the first time.  As well as in the memory of other family members who sadly succumbed to this disease.

I worry that it’ll be a sad day, but then I remember what it’s actually like doing Race For Life. You’re surrounded by thousands of people, most of whom are wearing pink in some way (usually a tutu or fairy wings or a feather boa!), and all of whom are there for the same reason – wanting to help with finding a cure for cancer in whatever way they can.

As part of your race pack, you get given something to pin to your back where you can write a message. Most people choose to write on there why they’re taking part, whether it’s in memory of a loved one or in a bid to help out someone they know who is going through treatment. Reading these messages as you take part in the run can be uplifting, especially when you see people who have beaten cancer.

If you’d like to sponsor me, you’ll find the details at:


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