Since 2010 Julie Winn, our York-based legal specialist on asbestos, has been Chair of the national Joint Union Asbestos Committee (JUAC). Below is Julie’s submission – on behalf of JUAC – to the government consultation on reforming mesothelioma claims…
Pattinson & Brewer employment specialist Paul Statham is further exasperated by the practical problems people are encountering as they attempt to navigate the treacherous waters of the Government’s new Employment Tribunal fee remission system.
Gary Lightwood – Managing Partner of our Bristol office – is a personal injury expert who heads the firm’s specialist motorcycle claims unit. In the light of a recent and very rare ‘track day’ accident at Oulton Park, he’s keen to emphasise the major safety benefits such riding opportunities offer motorcyclists, and anxious that neither […]
Elizabeth Stephenson, a specialist in employment and trade union law at our London City office, explains how the realities of tribunal cost awards rarely match the fears some employers seek to exploit …
Since 2010 Julie Winn, our York-based legal specialist on asbestos, has been Chair of the national Joint Union Asbestos Committee (JUAC). With the aim of making all UK schools safe from the dangers of asbestos, JUAC works closely with the Department for Education steering group, Asbestos in Schools (AIS).
Julie Winn, our York-based legal specialist on all things asbestos, is appalled at the level of ignorance indicated by the Government’s proposed consultation on mesothelioma claims. With a consultation this flawed, what hope can we possibly hold out for any resulting legislative changes?