What about the future of our A&E departments?


It remains a huge concern the lack of investment in the NHS. Surely the point of accident and emergency is that time remains very much of the essence and a patient needs to be seen urgently.

Delay in diagnosis for some patients is a question of life and death or, enduring pain and suffering. As a medical negligence solicitor, I know claims are on the rise. We must be mindful, however, of the differentiation between a lack of clinical care and a clear lack of resources.

All hospital trusts in England have been set a target of seeing 95 per cent of patients within four hours in accident and emergency departments. Three London Hospital Trusts, Kings College, North West London and Barking, Havering NHS Trust missed the key targets of seeing at least 95% of patients in four hours.

Not only in London but, across England there is an increasing number of patients waiting longer than 4 hours; rising from 6.2 to 6.5%. This is an extra 36,000 people affected.

Harrow West’s member of parliament – Gareth Thomas has recently raised concerns over waiting times and funding at Northwick Park. He said “We know Harrow is not getting its fair share of funding due to issues with the new funding formula and there is also the impact of costs of the re-organisation of the NHS”.Recent Article in Harrow Times

I am a ‘small voice’ speaking out on a massive issue but, Government must look further into investing into the Accident and Emergency departments – not next week, not tomorrow but, today!

It’s clear to me that staff within these departments face huge toll and pressure – this should not go on, otherwise we will continue to see misdiagnosis leading to more work for our much loved National Health Service.

Nadia Qadri,  Medical Negligence Solicitor


Author, Marcus Weatherby, Nadia Qadri, Uncategorized,
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