6th April News Release re. WPC Kelly Jones


Kelly Jones, the police officer involved in an incident at a service station in Norfolk in 2012, is currently continuing with her claim while the details of what happened to her are thoroughly investigated by her legal representation. A response to the allegations against Steve Jones, proprietor of the Nuns’ Bridges filling station, is being evaluated.

It is standard practice to alert anyone against whom action is being taken of the basis of any allegations, and to seek their initial response. This process always takes place before the next stages of any legal action.

As is often the case, incidents which result in legal action being taken are sometimes more complex than they at first appear. Details reported in publicity surrounding this case may be misleading and, if and when the case proceeds, people will be able to make their judgements based on publicly available facts, not through media speculation.

The injuries PC Kelly Jones sustained in August 2012 required medical treatment and she was on sick leave for some 6 weeks. She is still receiving on-going treatment to bring about her full recovery. This incident follows on from a knee injury Kelly suffered in a road traffic collision, again while on duty. Liability for that incident was admitted by Norfolk Police Constabulary.

It is not well understood that a police officer can lose pay, promotion and career prospects by being injured while working. That is a price that most people would not expect to pay simply by going to work. Kelly loves her job and accepts the many risks she faces like any other public servant carrying out potentially risky tasks. But she does not accept that simply because her job is inherently dangerous that public places are absolved from ensuring that their premises are safe to visit.

A 999 call does not mean that ‘anything goes’ in terms of public safety. If negligent behaviour can make service stations, supermarkets, garden centres or sports grounds unsafe to go to, then it is unsafe for everyone. We cannot say that public servants should just trust to luck when the law is there to protect us all.

Kelly believes that she, like others, has the right to go to work and not to be harmed by someone else’s negligence. The evidence collected by her legal representatives will show if negligence was the cause of her injuries, and there will be an independent determination of her case.

The Police Federation of England & Wales will continue to support PC Kelly Jones as the investigations into the injuries she suffered proceed. She will not be available for any interviews.


Pattinson & Brewer is a leading claimant law firm – founded in 1890 – with offices in London, Bristol and York. Our solicitors and their support teams fight for justice on behalf of individuals, never big organisations. Our key sectors are personal injury, medical negligence, industrial and employment.


For any further information, please contact:

Denise Kitchener
(W): 020 7653 3288 (M): 07901050902 (F): 020 7653 3201

(E) [email protected]


(If Denise is unavailable): Chris Theobald
(W): 0115 9816994 (M): 07977586608

(E): [email protected]


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Marcus Weatherby, News Releases,
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