Disappointed, but undaunted: Arti Shah reflects on last week’s Supreme Court let-down.

20 April 2013 By Frances McCarthey

Though disappointed and frustrated by last week’s Supreme Court appeal judgment in the Gareth Jones case, Arti Shah’s resolve to fight for justice for innocent injured people remains undaunted… 

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Accidents and Disease, Current Controversies, Marcus Weatherby,

Proposed changes to parental leave for employees (and other morsels of comfort)…

16 April 2013 By Frances McCarthey

Employment specialist Elaine Bruce, from our London office, looks (expectantly) at the Government’s proposed changes for working families…

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Elaine Bruce, Employment, Marcus Weatherby,

Statutory mesothelioma compensation up by 2.2%

26 March 2013 By Frances McCarthey

Partner and industrial disease specialist Marcus Weatherby advises of a small but welcome increase in statutory compensation for mesothelioma victims …

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Accidents and Disease, Marcus Weatherby,

Suicide on the railway is considered a ‘crime of violence’ – yet not, it seems, on the road. Will the Supreme Court finally resolve this bizarre legal anomaly?

2 March 2013 By Frances McCarthey

Arti Shah of our London office sums up what yesterday’s Supreme Court hearing was all about… 

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Accidents and Disease, Current Controversies, Marcus Weatherby,

Social media: post with care or your job could be at risk!

21 February 2013 By Frances McCarthey

Elizabeth Stephenson, a specialist in employment and trade union law at our London City office, sounds a warning about the dangers to employees of the incautious use of social media…   

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Elizabeth Stephenson, Employment, Marcus Weatherby,

Justice Forum: towards better management of children’s claims cases

14 February 2013 By Frances McCarthey

On Wednesday, 27 February, Pattinson & Brewer are hosting a ‘Justice Forum’ from 4pm at a central London venue. Focusing on the question: “How can all involved with children’s claims manage cases cost-effectively and proportionally in the future, keeping the child at the centre and  protected at every stage?”

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Accidents and Disease, Case Histories, Marcus Weatherby, Medical Negligence, Rosamund Rhodes-Kemp,
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