Vibration White Finger – Hand, Arm Vibration Syndrome
Vibration White Finger (VWF) and Hand/Arm Vibration Syndrome (HAVS) are conditions caused or contributed to by vibrations from vibrating machinery or tools such as road drills. The conditions usually affect the fingers, hands, wrists, elbows or the whole arm and common symptoms are skin whiteness (blanching), numbness or pins and needles in the affected areas. The effect on sufferers is often a reduction in hand or arm mobility and dexterity and constant discomfort or pain.
Pattinson & Brewer have extensive experience working with VWF and HAVS victims and have been fighting for maximum compensation for over 50 years. If you think you have a claim of if you need more information please contact our Industrial Injury Team on 0800 069 9060 and ask for one of the following:
Marcus Weatherby – [email protected] (London – Central)
Gary Lightwood – [email protected] (Bristol)

Industrial Disease
- Asbestos
- About Asbestos
- Asbestos Advice
- Conditions Arising From Asbestos Exposure
- Jobs And Industries That Used Asbestos
- Making an Asbestos Claim
- Mesothelioma Asbestos Related
- Pneumoconiosis
- Deafness
- Dermatitis
- Hand Arm Vibration
- How much will it cost?
- Making an Industrial Disease Claim
- Noise Induced Hearing Loss Comp
- Respiratory Disease Claims
- Respiratory diseases
- RSI or Wruld Claims
- Skin Diseases
- Vibrational White Finger Claims
- Work Related Cancer Claims